Bash Scripting

How to Loop Through a Comma Separated File (CSV) in Bash

Q: I have a comma separated file that I want to loop through and put each column on it’s own line. How can I loop through the csv file and echo each field?  The catch is I don’t know how many fields are going to be in the csv file.

A: I thought about this for a while and came up with this solution.  I am far from a programmer and not great with scripting, but it get’s the job done.  Using an incrementing variable and a count of the fields to create a while loop.  I commented the code with my logic (as inefficient as it may be) and highlighted the comments below.

# Name of the csv file to loop through.
# Set a FIELD variable at 1 to test when to stop looping
# Find how many columns are in csv and tick by 1
COUNT=`sed 's/[^,]//g' $INPUTFILE | wc -c`; let "COUNT+=1"

# Keep looping until the field is less than the count+1 (until all fields are caught in the loop)
while [ "$FIELD" -lt "$COUNT" ]; do
# Read the file and pull the current field number and print it to terminal
        cat $INPUTFILE | cut -d, -f$FIELD
# Increment the FIELD variable
        let "FIELD+=1"

Script without the comments:

COUNT=`sed 's/[^,]//g' $INPUTFILE | wc -c`; let "COUNT+=1"

while [ "$FIELD" -lt "$COUNT" ]; do
        cat $INPUTFILE | cut -d, -f$FIELD
        let "FIELD+=1"

Let’s try it on a test file. For this test I created a csv file with the following contents:


Here is the output of the script:


I am sure some people are reading this and think they have a much better way, and they probably do.  I hope they will share them in the comments.

Also see "Column Command Usage and Examples" if you work with csv files on the command line often.

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