Linux Tutorials

Use DoD CAC Smart Card with Google Chrome in Linux

Jeff Cyber Awareness Challenge DoD

There are a few steps you need to take in order to use your DoD CAC / smart card with google chrome in Linux.  Here are the steps I took…

First, install all the DoD root certs by following the directions in this post.

Then install some packages. The following packages are necessary to complete the configuration.

Install PSCS Smart Card Libraries and tools (yum or dnf):

sudo dnf install nss-tools pcsc-lite perl-pcsc pcsc-tools ccid opensc coolkey -y


sudo yum install nss-tools pcsc-lite perl-pcsc pcsc-tools ccid opensc coolkey -y

Now make sure chrome is closed and run the following command from your home directory:

modutil -dbdir sql:.pki/nssdb/ -add "CAC Module" -libfile /usr/lib64/pkcs11/libcoolkeypk11.so

That is it… You should now be able to open Google Chrome and use your CAC for authentication on websites.

UPDATE: One of our readers came across an issue where they didn’t have modutil command.  If this happens, you have to install the latest version of nss-tools.

sudo dnf install nss-tools

Good luck!

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